In this paper, a Version control Set Refreshing Algorithm ( VSRA) is proposed, which uses incremental maintenance, version control and batch processing mechanism to guarantee on line maintenance and data consistency. 提出了一种版本控制集合刷新算法(VSRA).它采用增量维护、版本控制和批处理机制保证数据仓库的联机维护和数据一致性。
In software maintenance process, we can program projects and increasing control through collecting data and analyzing data. 在维护过程中可以通过实施度量来收集、分析相关属性数据,规划当前的项目,增加项目控制的可视化程度;
Networked control systems have many advantages such as the information resource sharing, flexibility and easy maintenance, at the same time because of the intervention of a network in the control process, inevitably it brings many problems such as information transmission delay, data packets loss. 在网络控制系统带来信息资源共享、灵活性强、维护方便便等众多优点的同时,由于控制过程中引入了网络的因素,不可避免的带来了诸如信息传输时延,数据丢包等诸多问题。